The twos class is a drop off program that offers an emergent style developmentally appropriate experience that will support young children as they transition into other prekindergarten programs. The program meets from 9:30am - 12pm with the option of Lunch Bunch until 1:30.
Parents may apply for 2 days (Tuesdays and Thursdays) or 3 days (Monday, Wednesday, Friday)
To be eligible for the 2s, your child's must be fully 2 years old by September 1st of the starting program year.
Two's Drop Off Program
A teacher facilitated classroom is organized around a topic that reflects children's interests and passions each week. Examples of topics include My Senses, Transportation, Trees and Leaves, Winter, Empathy, My Family, Explore Our World and Farm. Experiences relating to the topic will support the key areas of development including cognitive, social-emotional, physical and creative. Furthermore these experiences will incorporate key content areas in language and literacy, math, science and social studies.
Learning experiences include:
Concepts of color, shape, letters and numbers
Concepts of relationship, self, community and culture
Routines and transitions
Interest corners on the topic of the day to encourage individual exploration
Creative expression, woodworking and art
Dramatic play
Science and sensory table
Outdoor play, walks and nature
Mathematical experiences of manipulatives including sewing cards and stringing beads, rotating puzzles, patterns and games
Reading book corner
Music and phonological awareness activities
Building blocks